Saturday, 3 May 2014

Wendy Loves...Bourjois Blush in Rose d'Or/Golden Rose

Have you ever fallen back in love with a product and wondered why on earth you stopped using it in the first place? Well that's what happened with me and Bourjois Little Round Pot blushers. Back when I was at school the shade Rose Frisson was my go to blush for a heathy glow without being busted for wearing make-up (strictly not allowed). I think I probably stole it from my mum- the smell of these smell lime my mum to me! But recently, as I have been experimenting with trying out new products this little pot of joy somehow got pushed aside.

And then I saw this. I was first attracted to it by the pretty new (limited edition i think?) packaging, but it was the colour that sold me. It's a gorgeously shimmery (but not glittery) rose pink, and I have been wearing it none stop. I've loved all the shades I've tried from the Little Round Pot collection but this has to be my favourite. They come with a small brush, which I have to say I don't normally use, but along with the mirror makes it perfect for when you're on the go.  been wearing it both day and night, and think it's the most gorgeous shade fro spring and summer, as it just brightens up the face. So, they smell good, look good and make my cheeks happy. Bourjois Little Round Pot, welcome back into my life!

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