Sunday, 20 April 2014

Wendy Loves...The William Morris Gallery

Jumper: Topshop, Dress: River Island, Bag: Vintage, Sunglasses: Ebay

I've been wanting to take a visit to the William Morris Gallery for a while, but after my first attempt ended in a nightmare journey only to find the gallery closed, its taken me a while to muster up the energy to try again! But I am very glad a did, as my visit this weekend was fab. If you're not sure who he is, William Morris was a designer, most famous for his wallpaper and textile designs, and founder of the Arts & Crafts movement. I am obsessed with his beautiful designs, and dream of filling my house with Morris prints!

The gallery itself can be found a short walk away from Walthamstow Central station, in the house where Morris grew up. I gather that it's recently been re-done after winning the Art Fund Museum of the Year Prize in 2013. Well, they've certainly put the money to good use! Everything was beautifully displayed, with fun interactive games and even better, a good gift shop! For Morris fans or just lovers of all this beautiful, the William Morris Gallery is the perfect day out. The gardens are gorgeous too, so try and go on a sunny day to appreciate the full beauty!
Any other Morris geeks out there? Have you ever been to the William Morris Gallery? I'd love to hear what it was like before the re-vamp!

Love, Wendy

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